The forgotten dragon, the betrayed king, the entombed god

 As someone who enjoys fire emblem it’s a pity a character like Anankos has become forgotten because in the is the great fire emblem god. This is a crime and I will tell you why it is to the best of me ability.

To start with his Character and history Anankos is one of the mysteries first Dragons and is known as the god of wisdom and fate and is the father of Corrin the main character of fire emblem fates. Not much is Known about his early life but what we can learn from the dlc hidden truths and Corrin and Aurza’s support conversation in fire emblem fates revelations that Anankos was vary caring to humanity and more especially to a group known as the Vallites who he would give great wisdom and knowledge and even went as far as to create for them a world of their own free of war, but like the rest of his kind Anankos mind would someday fade and he would become nothing more than a monster. Unwilling to leave the fate of the people he cared so much about up to change he would do what ever he could to help them. The first was a song that Anankos taught to each member of the Vallite royal family that is said to purify the soul of anyone who hears it the songs  name in English is lost in thoughts all alone. He would even go as far as to rip his own soul from his body so a piece of him could remain good and it is this good have that would meet a young Vallite princess named Homonoia Known as Mikoto to the people  of Hoshido and have a child named Corrin the heir of fate. Anankos did all this even as the people he loved being to lose their faith and love for him even coming to see him a demon after in a fit of madness he destroyed a forest. 

Next I will describe the powers and abilities of Anankos to start he has incredible wisdom and foresight beings able to product events century before they even happen. He also can travel through time and space with ease as seen in the hidden truths dlc when he traveled to the land of Achanea 500 years into it’s future to recruit three young heroes to help him by protecting Corrin their names being Laslow,Odin,and Selena. This ease of travel comes from the fact that Anankos and all first Dragons Come from the timeless void  Called the astral plain it’s a mysterious supernatural realm that only the dragons can freely enter and exist at will you can see this when Anankos drags all of Valla into the astral plain through a portal he made in the cutscene vs. Anankos in fire emblem fates revelations an act which did little to sap his strength. We as known that Anankos is responsible for the creation of Valla and the rest of the worlds of fire emblem and even from what we learn from heirs of fate dlc even unify different timelines into one. Their is more he can do then just that however he can possess both multiple people both living and dead and the same time for as long as he wants and like a true god even after the destruction of his body is soul remains and it’s even believed among the people of Nohr and Hoshido the Anankos and the rest of the first Dragons will one day return to the mortal world. 

Their is more still that I did not say like Anankos being able to change between  a  human form and a dragon form at will but I will let you find them out for yourself good bye friends until next time.


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