Fire emblem fates’ massage to white people

To my fellow white people we have a problem! As of late many caucasians believe that they are born evil because they are white, but this of course is a lie for don’t God give the people of Europe the code of chivalry and make them great lovers of honor? Of all the people God created none have a greater potential for righteousness than White people and this is the hidden message of a little known video game called Fire Emblem Fates. 

                             Fire emblem fates title screen
This message is shown through the people that make up the mighty Kingdom of Nohr a militaristic nation that takes a great deal of inspiration from Roman culture allowing it to be described as a true Holy Roman Empire, and who better to show this then Nohr’s crowned prince Xander? 

                                   Prince Xander
Born to king Garen and queen Katerina in the great city of Windmire his body was well built with blonde hair and blue eyes and and like all Nohrians he had fair skin, Xander would grow to become the greatest warrior of his kingdom, and so great was his honor the when his rival Ryoma the prince of Hoshido was captured during a banquet in a neutral kingdom about to be executed It would be Xander who freed him because for Xander as all Nohrian hated treachery and was not willing to ignore such a great act of dishonor and cowardice, and so great was his love for Nohr and her people that it is said that not even the will of the great Dragon god Anankos could 
make him true his blade upon Nohr.  His name gives away his really world inspiration one of the most famous Europeans Alexander the Great king of Macedonia the man who conquered  of the Persian empire. This is yet but one example but there’s many more Nohrian characters who are noble and just from the icon of knighthood Silas to the beautiful and caring Camilla and many more. 

And yet despite the honorable and just nature of the Nohrians some still think that they’re evil barbarians chef among them is the rival kingdom of Hoshido, but it’s a lie for the Nohrians like all white people are a race of honor and heroism and not what the enemy wants us to be. 

      This is true as God is my witness goodbye and let all you know learn the truth. 


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