A Dragon’s confession

Immortality, it’s something you humans have long regarded as a blessing that everyone from the lowest peasants to the most powerful emperors have sought to possess, but Why? What is it about watching the world you know wither away as you remain unchanged that appeals to you? Do you simply to avoid death? Will if so what then? Eternal life would be wasted on you humans, who willingly squander every blessing you have been given. And yet I can’t truly fault you little ones, after all for these many years I have been here I have seen many of you come into life only to have it ended as swiftly as it began, so in that regard I can understand why you fear death so much, but I suppose it’s the fault of of my own lack of understanding…Wait a moment who am I? I suppose I should introduce myself I am Anankos the silent dragon or as someone of your kind like to call me the god of wisdom and fate, but I’m not sure if I’m truly worthy of such lofty titles after all I am no different than any of my kin who you little ones know as the First Dragons. WHAT!?! You’ve not heard tell of my kind before? Have you humans truly forgotten the tales of the elder days, of how even before there was a sun or moon to light the sky my kind was here molding the very world beneath our feet with each mighty step, or by our blood did your the kings of old, heroes of renown claim their authority over mankind? My kind the First Dragons who you humans called gods are the foundation of your world. We were here in the beginning and well remain here long after your world has ended, and to you I’m sure this sounds like a blessing, to have all the time in the world to pursue your passions whatsoever they might be without fear of death, but in truth it has both great joy and never greater pain to me and those whom I love! 


“Corrin, my child; you are the pride of my existence.   Joy has been mine since Homonoia my beloved; bore you into this world.  

O how I wish to return to those days; when you were sad; or in pain I would comfort you; for you are mine and I am yours. 

Alas it should be the I would bring this joyous time to an end; through inaction I allowed my madness made flesh to thrive and now joy has been lost. 

So sing O songstress; sing of the tragedy of a child who by a father’s negligence must now face this cruel and war torn world alone.” 

O father do you truly believe that? That you failed me and mother when you sought to save us from the wrath that destroyed Valla? 

                       You loved me then. 

Or when you sought out warriors of great will and virtue who would stand with me when that wrath threatened to engulf the world? 

                   You loved me then. 

Or how from mother’s womb to now the power and will I inherited from you this world knows peace after a decade of war? 

                   You loved me then.

So sing songstress, sing of the great dragon Anankos whose love endures forever.” 

 So remember these words little human for they are from one who is older than the most ancient of days of your world. That no gift be it power, Immortality or unending wealth this world can offer will ever compare to the Bond of family and fatherhood. 




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